Mobile Apps and Healthcare: Maximizing Revenue and Efficiency

Mobile apps have fundamentally transformed the way healthcare enterprises interact with customers. Thanks to apps, healthcare services are more accessible than ever. Forward-thinking healthcare organizations are leveraging Branch’s mobile linking and measurement solutions to unlock new opportunities for improved customer experiences and operational efficiencies while driving compliance.

Driving revenue growth

Apps are pivotal in connecting healthcare platforms and their users, ensuring effortless access to revenue-generating services like appointment scheduling and telehealth consultations. Apps not only enhance user engagement but also drive higher conversion and retention rates, as well as increased usage of ancillary services, thereby boosting users’ overall lifetime value (LTV).

Incorporating deep linking strategies across various digital touchpoints enables healthcare enterprises to guide users directly to specific features within the app. This amplifies the effectiveness of reengagement efforts and drives enhanced monetization opportunities.

With features ranging from virtual consultations to real-time patient monitoring and claims processing, a well-crafted mobile strategy not only enhances user satisfaction but also catalyzes additional revenue generation.

Enhancing user experience

It’s one thing to understand the impact of mobile apps and another to execute and deliver seamless mobile experiences. Apps enable organizations to own real estate on their users’ phones, and deep links maximize the value of apps for healthcare enterprises by taking users directly to in-app features that can simplify their experience or enable self-service.

Branch empowers healthcare enterprises to direct users to specific app content from campaigns like an email or QR code, allowing users to easily book appointments, check in online, and manage their health information with a single tap. By automatically logging in users with saved credentials, match-guaranteed deep links streamline the booking process, making meaningful engagement with the app easy and seamless.

Branch offers the industry’s most reliable and scalable linking as well as solutions to drive in-app actions and engagement from every digital touchpoint. From quick links, email links, and QR codes to Journeys web-to-app banners, Branch plugs into every marketing channel to fix broken mobile experiences and foster user loyalty.

Minimizing cost to serve

One of the most significant advantages of optimized mobile app strategies in healthcare is their ability to minimize cost to serve. By continuously optimizing app feature adoption, healthcare organizations can reduce reliance on traditional communication channels like costly customer service call centers and direct mail. This not only alleviates operational expenses but also enhances efficiency within the organization.

With attribution for all owned, earned, and organic channels, Branch offers holistic data views of acquisition, engagement, and performance to optimize all aspects of marketing and operations. By identifying high-cost service pathways and driving feature adoption through the app, healthcare enterprises can optimize resource allocation and decrease long-term costs.

Navigating compliance challenges

As the preferred partner for enterprise brands, Branch consistently emphasizes security, privacy, compliance, and serving as a trusted advisor for our customers.

Branch safeguards sensitive data like PHI, enabling healthcare companies to benefit from linking and attribution solutions as part of their broader HIPAA compliance strategies.

With elevated data and privacy measures for effective linking and secure attribution, healthcare enterprises can leverage Branch to get data-driven insights for continuous optimization.

If your healthcare organization is looking to harness the value of your mobile app while maintaining compliance obligations, reach out to your Branch account team or contact us.