
Megan Dobransky




SKAdNetwork Adoption, Privacy Sandbox Updates, and How Marketers Should Prepare for Changes Now

We dive into some of the highlights from a recent webinar featuring industry experts — Adam Landis, Head of Growth at Branch, and David Philippson, Co-founder and CEO at Dataseat (now part of the Verve Group) — to get to the bottom of what’s really going on with SKAdNetwork (SKAN) and Google Privacy Sandbox, and how marketers should be preparing for the future of privacy and measurement. 

Enterprise-Grade Mobile Attribution: What Large Businesses Need To Know

Enterprise-grade mobile attribution is no longer a luxury; it's a necessity for large businesses navigating the complex landscape of mobile marketing. In the context of large enterprises, the complexity of marketing campaigns, the scale of data needed, and the nuances of privacy compliance make mobile attribution challenging yet indispensable.

Financial Services Mobile Growth Playbook

In this playbook, we explore ways that financial services brands can grow their mobile presence and tap into apps for acquisition, retention, and increased conversions.

CX-Driven Marketing Playbook

As consumers become more savvy, their expectations will continue to rise. Crafting exceptional experiences with customers in mind is a foolproof way to exceed expectations, win new customers, and keep the ones you already have. In this playbook, we explore ways that any business can create better digital customer experiences right away. 

Leaders in Mobile Growth | Ultra Voucher

Mochammad Aditya Mukti, AVP Product at Ultra Voucher, joins Branch's 2023 Leaders in Mobile Growth Jakarta event to share his experience using Branch.

Mobile Growth Playbook for Retail

In this playbook, we explore ways that retailers can grow their mobile presence and how retailers can tap into apps for acquisition, retention, and increased conversions. With first-hand advice, industry data, and quick tips — including insights from our partners at Braze — we take the guesswork out of mobile growth and empower you to thrive.

How To Run a Mobile Referral Program

By implementing a referral marketing program, mobile app developers and marketers can boost their conversion rates while rewarding their loyal customers, creating a win-win scenario for all involved.

European Union Data Footprint Update

At Branch, we’re always looking for ways to better support our customers, and it’s in that spirit that we are sharing an update about our European Union data footprint.