Smart Banner

What is a smart banner?

Smart banners are dynamic pop-ups that include text, rich media, and a call to action (CTA) button for mobile website users, enticing them to download your mobile app or continue browsing there. Smart banners can be dynamically adjusted in terms of size, orientation, and messaging to increase conversion rates.

On a mobile site, a smart banner is a banner at the top of the screen that presents an option to download or open the app if the user chooses. It contains a smart link that includes all the routing logic to automatically open up the app when it’s installed or fall back to an App Store page if not.

At their core, smart banners use a fraction of the screen on a given mobile website to inform and encourage users to open the native app, or install it if they don’t if they don’t have it. Converting your mobile web traffic into native mobile app users is more important than ever, as apps have been shown to carry 285% more products viewed, 120% more purchases, and 11% more value per customer purchase than their mobile web counterparts.

In fact, with Branch’s Journeys, you can deep link from the mobile web into your native app, and you can tap into the cross-platform, people-based attribution you deserve. The sky’s the limit!

How To Personalize the Mobile Customer Journey: 9 Strategies for Success

The expectation of personalized and seamless experiences when interacting with brands has become increasingly prevalent in today’s digital age. Users are no longer satisfied with a generic, one-size-fits-all approach to marketing and engagement. Instead, they expect brands to understand their unique needs and deliver tailored experiences based on their preferences.