Branch vs. AppsFlyer

Branch offers the most popular mobile linking and attribution solution among the top 200 apps.

We recently moved from AppsFlyer to Branch for our attribution and we’ve been very happy. Only Branch can ensure we have a holistic view of our users across the different channels and platforms.

A woman, Marie Huynh, looking at the camera and smiling

Marie Huynh
Digital Marketing PM, Hipages

Why use Branch instead of AppsFlyer?

Image of a logo with a flying kite glyph

Lifecycle support

Understand the true drivers of user activity and foster growth at every stage of the user lifecycle with Branch’s solutions for acquisition, engagement, retention, and advocacy.

Weak or limited solutions for cross-platform user lifecycle stages beyond acquisition from paid ads.

Matching methodology

Know with 100% certainty when a user who clicks a link is guaranteed to be the same user inside the app.

Dramatically lower matching coverage that relies heavily on probabilistic matching methods.

Open-source SDKs

Know what you’re installing and see the code with Branch’s lightweight, open source SDKs.

Proprietary, closed source SDKs provide no insight into the code you’re adding to your app.

Unified dashboard

View iOS and Android platforms together in the Branch dashboard for a holistic understanding of performance.

Android and iOS dashboards are split, requiring tedious work to switch back and forth between the same app on different platforms.

Unlimited events

Measure unlimited events for more accurate insights into the performance of your various marketing sources, without increasing your monthly bill.

Limited insights into organic channels and extra charge for post-install events per conversion.

Fraud protection

Accurately detect and block fraud with advanced insights and Branch’s built-in fraud suite, included for all ads customers.

Significant incremental charge for fraud protection beyond limited auto-blocking of known-bad IP addresses.

Web-to-app solution

Use Journeys smart banners to create and iterate a wide variety of pre-built templates with full audience segmentation and A/B testing, without complicated engineering work.

Static banners with limited customization and testing capabilities.

Organic search attribution for an app-first world

Measure the ROI and impact of SEO with insight into app opens and down-funnel events that come from organic web search results.

No solution for SEO attribution.

Deep linking solution for iCloud Private Relay

NativeLink™ delivers a reliable deferred deep linking solution that solves the impact of Private Relay without relying on an IP address; alternative solution of matching via an App Clip is also available.

Private Relay deep linking solution requires custom App Clip development.