EXP. Magazine: How Will AI Actually Change Advertising?

EXP. Magazine

By experience experts for experience experts, EXP. is a magazine for anyone that believes in the power of experience and thrives off innovation. Packed with cutting-edge trends, insights, and recommendations straight from the industry’s top digital and experience experts. We’re so excited to share this year’s edition with you. Trust us, there’s something in there that’ll inspire, excite, and get those gears turning.

EXP. Magazine is created annually by the experience experts at Bottle Rocket. Bottle Rocket is a proud part of the WPP family of companies.

Excerpt from a featured article by Adam Landis, Head of Growth at Branch:

How Will AI Actually Change Advertising?

While the future of AI might be tough to grok and consumer patterns are still evolving, it’s clear the coming changes AI is bringing to our lives can’t be understated. Much like how mobile changed how consumers fundamentally connect with the internet, AI will do the same. And like with mobile, some companies will innovate and emerge as winners, quickly adapting to these fundamental changes. And also like with mobile,  some companies will struggle with these fundamental shifts and fall behind their peers.